
Illustrations from my newest book

Yup, I'm making a new book. No text yet, but the illustrations are finished.
Here they are, clipped out of their respective page like so many newspaper articles. I do not feel the need to upload the whole pages, as no one reads that sort of thing online anyhow, but I might upload the text separately as individual entries. I do seem to enjoy writing stories.
I'll also mention the title of the book here at some point, once I have decided what that will be.
They're drawn and inked by hand, then coloured on the computer.

(Yoink. The book is finished! Complete!
This is how I'm doing it:
I'll re-post each of the illustrations with its related text, one by one, in separate posts.
That will give me a chance to pace myself, because I'm really overwhelmed by school at the moment.)

And the book's title ended up being
The Ossifris: And other creatures of current relevance to the Institute.

(That being the Institute of Sub-Ocular Thaumaturgy, for the curious).


Unknown said...

I love them! Just wondering about the gradients on the border pieces. That feathery thing covered in layers is so neat. ; )

Anonymous said...


cousin sheryl